I’ve been a blogger for a year and I don’t even think that blog can make money until I found a website that talks about a business blog from google search engine. I learn many things here about making money online and I also learn some tips on a day trading robot review that can help and it could be a guide for investors and traders online. I also learn here to achieve “buzz” about small business products. In promoting my products, in boosting my traffic it is a big help for a newbie blogger like me. Now I am already earning from my blog big amount and you know a lot of bloggers like me earn much bigger than my earning, I have a friend here, he is just a simple guy no other business no other source of income. He makes his blogging as his career. And now for more than a year he bought his own car Honda Civic 2009 model worth Php900,000.00 and all of this money is from his blog business. And now I spend more time like my friend from my blogging business.
5/11/09, 3:58 PM
Really?! How can you earn? I'd like to know! it seems I have a lot to learn from you! : )